
Sunday, March 18, 2007


Australia gave England an 11-4 thrashing in the two-day “Golfing Ashes” contest at Moonah Links, Victoria.
The Aussies led 6 ½-2 ½ at the end of a very wet and windy first day and then confirmed their overall superiority by taking the second-day singles 4 ½-1 ½.
England’s Jamie Moul, the No 1 player in the R&A world amateur golf rankings, gained only half a point from three sessions of play.
“We were taken to the cleaners,” said Seve Benson, England’s only winner in the second-day singles.
“Australia simply outplayed us, particularly around the greens where their scoring skills were far better than ours,” said English Golf Union director of coaching Peter Mattsson with commendable frankness.
The foursomes were played after the singles on the first day.
First day (Australian names first)
SINGLES (Australia 4 ½-1 ½)Rohan Blizard halved with Jamie Moul.Andrew Dodt bt Gary Boyd.Richie Gallichan bt David Horsey 2 holes.Ray Beaufils bt Ben Parker 4 and 3.Josh Younger bt Seve Benson 2 and 1.Rudi Bezuidenhout lost to Stephen Lewton 2 and 1.FOURSOMES (Australia 2-1)Bezuidenhout & Blizard bt Moul & Benson 1 hole.Younger & Gallichan halved with Parker & Lewton.Dodt & Beaufils halved with Boyd & Horsey.
Second day
SINGLES (Australia 4 ½-1 ½)
Bezuidenhout halved with Boyd.
Younger bt Horsey 3 and 2.
Beaufils bt Moul 5 and 4.
Gallichan bt Lewton 2 and 1.
Dodt bt Parker 2 and 1.
Blisard lost to Benson 2 and 1.