
Thursday, March 15, 2007


Colin Montgomerie and The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation have announced a joint venture to build a UK centre of excellence dedicated to lung cancer to be named the Elizabeth Montgomerie Centre.
Colin and the Foundation will work together to establish the Centre, dedicated to lung cancer patients, carers and health professionals to be based in Glasgow with the ambition to have a profound impact on the future of lung cancer.
The partnership with Colin Montgomerie was announced at a special event held by The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation at the House of Lords. It was very fitting that the event was taking place to recognise the progress that the charity's Women Against Lung Cancer campaign held in the week leading up to Mothers' Day.
The campaign aims to mobilise women to press for more resources to be invested in research and patient care.
Dame Gill Oliver, the Head of Campaign, said: "Colin's support could not have arrived at a better time and is a wonderful lead for others whether in the statutory or private sector to follow.”
Colin, whose mother Elizabeth died of lung cancer in 1991, said: “The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is the only charity in the UK wholly dedicated to the defeat of lung cancer – the biggest cancer killer of women as well as men. Our Centre will look to provide the following:

+Highest quality information, support and training for lung cancer patients and carers
first class training for lung cancer multi-disciplinary teams particularly specialist nurses and health and other professionals
+A UK-wide hotline for patients and carers
+Research into all aspects of patient care – including the establishment of a Chair in Lung Cancer Studies
+Consultancy in all aspects of The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation work
+A home for the Foundation’s patient care team.

I am thrilled to be working with The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation on this exciting project.”
Professor Ray Donnelly, the Charity’s founder, said: “We are delighted to have Colin’s support – his profile will be a significant contribution in helping lung cancer patients throughout the UK and his energy and passion for the project will be an inspiration to us all. To get the ball rolling he is personally funding our business plan and we are already in contact with the Scottish Executive and Glasgow City Council.”
Dr David Dunlop, Consultant Medical Oncologist at the Beatson Cancer Centre in Glasgow, commented: “To have such a facility in Glasgow will be hugely complementary to other developments in cancer services. This Centre will facilitate the concept of improving the experience of individuals with lung cancer which is embedded in Delivering for Health (SEHD 2005).
“Through providing facilities and a venue for information and support, this centre will strongly complement contemporary health policy, and Glasgow is the right place. There are so many unique aspects of this proposal; I am not sure why nobody has thought of it before! I am sure that the support of Colin Montgomerie will generate huge interest. This is a fantastic opportunity for the Foundation to develop a partnership with an inspirational sportsman which will result in a lasting legacy, to improve lung cancer patient care.”