
Monday, March 19, 2007


The Sherry Cup - two separate individual 72-hole open amateur stroke-play tournaments in the past - become the European Nations Cup championships this year.
Both the men's and women's sections will be played at Royal Sotogrande Golf Club on Spain's Costa del Sol.
Nigel Edwards (Whitchurch) and Katharina Schallenberg (Germany), winners of last year's individual titles, are in the field for this week's events, starting on Wednesday and finishing on Saturday.
The only notable country missing from the men's line-up is France but in the women's Sherry Cup, not only is France absent but also Scotland, Ireland, Sweden and Portugal.
In the women's tournament, there is an entry listed from the host club, Sotogrande, which does not quite add up with the new title of European NATIONS Cup. What it does mean is that Spain have, in effect, two teams in the women's category.
The teams notified to the Spanish Federation are:

AUSTRIA - Tano Kroer, Christoph Pfau, Wolfgang Rieder, Philip Sharma.
BELGIUM - Xavier Feyaerts, Dimitri Van Doren, Pierre Relecom, Guillaume Watremez.
DENMARK - Peter Baunsoe, Phillip Drost, Rasmus Nielsen, Nicklaez Rasmussen.
ENGLAND - Matthew Cryer (Coventry), Ed Richardson (Southern Valley), Paul Waring (Bromborough), Gary Wolstenholme (Kilworth Springs).
FINLAND - Joonas Granberg, Mikael Salminen, Jukka-Pekka Savolampi, Miro Veisalainen.
GERMANY - Alexander Knappe, Jonas Kilbing, Frederik Schulte, Philip Westermann.
IRELAND - Niall Kearney (Royal Dublin), Shane Lowry (Esker Hills), Rory McIlroy (Holywood), Simon Ward (Co Louth).
ITALY - Marco Guerisoli, Joon Kim, Nunzio Lombardi, Andrea Romano.
NETHERLANDS - Floris De Vries, Wouter De Vries, Richard Kind, Reinier Saxton.
NORWAY - Are Friestad, Frederik Kollevold, Anders Kristiansen, Marius Thorp.
PORTUGAL - Joao Carlota, Jose Maria Cudell, Pedro Figueiredo, Antonio Rosado.
SCOTLAND - James Byrne (Banchory), Glenn Campbell (Blairgowrie), John Gallagher (Swanston), Steven McEwan (Barassie).
SLOVENIA - Tim Gornik, Nejc Pogacar, Miha Studen, Jaka Vidmar.
SPAIN - Jesus Legarrea, Carlos Perez Barberan, Inigo Urquizu, Gonsalo Vicente.
SWEDEN - Otto Bonning, Johan Carlsson, Nicklas Glans, Tobias Rosendahl.
WALES - Chris Cousins (Aberdare), Nigel Edwards (Whitchurch), Craig Evans (West Monmouthshire), Llewellyn Matthews (Southerndown).


AUSTRIA - Martina Hochwimmer, Julia Zering, Claudia Wolf
BELGIUM - Valentine Gevers, Laura Gonzalez, Laurence Herman.
DENMARK - Sara Eriksen, Malene Jorgensen, Therese Koelbaek.
ENGLAND - Naomi Edwards (Ganton), Melissa Reid (Chevin), Kerry Smith (Waterlooville).
FINLAND - Satu Harju, Suvi Mantyniemi, Rosa Suahn.
GERMANY - Stephanie Doering, Caroline Masson, Katharina Schallenberg.
ITALY - Federica Angioletti, Anna Roscio, Vittoria Valvassori.
NETHERLANDS - Marjet Van der Graaf, Joan Van de Kraats, Kyra Van Leeuwen.
RGC SOTOGRANDE - Catalina Castillejo Oriol, Emy Garzon Lopez, Minna Kaarnalathi, Maria Orueta Pemartin.
SPAIN - Sonji Cologan Ruiz, Marta Silva Zamora, Ane Urchegui Garcia.
WALES - Tara Davies (Holyhead), Sahra Hassan (Vale of Glamorgan), Breanne Loucks (Wrexham).