
Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Scottish-born golf journalist, author and TV commentator Renton Laidlaw, Editor of the R&A Golfers' Handbook and president of the Association of Golf Writers, is recovering in hospital in London following complications during an operation to remove his prostate on Monday.

Later news from Mitchell Platts, a long-time colleague:

"This morning's update is that Renton will probably be moved to the royal Brompton Heart Hospital to have a pacemaker fitted. It would appear that the cancer surgery has been successful but that his heart is causing concern.
"Renton's heart did stop during the operation which lasted 11 hours instead of three and it was a very close call. He is drowsy this morning but he does know where he is, which, his sister Jennifer says, is a very, very good bulletin compared with 24 hours ago.
"Jennifer thanks everyone for their calls (which clearly she cannot return) and messages."

Even later bulletin from Mitchell Platts:

"Latest from Jennifer is that Renton will not be moved because he must remain in the Critical Care Unit for four to six days. This is because his temperature is high and there would be a fear of infection if they tried to fit even a temporary pacemaker. Nevertheless Jennifer has been assured this morning that they are quite happy with Renton's progress at this time.
"She has also stressed, and she does apologise for this, that at this time it is best not to phone the hospital as they simply cannot cope with a high volume of calls, and understandably they might get a touch tetchy, and she thanks you all for your understanding. Jennifer will get round to making more calls herself next week."

"The pacemaker has been fitted! They came to Renton!! The surgeon decided it had to be done so that it is there to rectify any problems with the heart. It is a temporary job, fitted in his neck. All is well with that. The one concern is his temperature.
Clearly, they are monitoring the situation and if it remains high then they will do a scan in 36-hours to check for any potential causes such as an abcess.
Jennifer again asked if I would thank everyone for their thoughts and especially for not bothering the hospital switchboard or herself at this time.
The NO VISITORS sign is posted at this time for all the right reasons. Renton is well aware of all the messages and love being sent to him from everyone around the world.
Thanks and regards,
Mitchell Platts

Renton, who spent his early journalistic years with the Edinburgh Evening News and Grampian Television, originally moved south to work for the London Evening Standard.
He has homes at Drumoig and Sunningdale in Berkshire.