KirkwoodGolf: Website alterations

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Website alterations

You might notice that the Hot News webpages have undergone slight alterations today.

First of all I've altered the banner a little. Yes the photo in the background has changed.... there's a prize for the first person who tells me where it is!!!
You'll have noticed that I've removed the words "Hot News" as I am about to change the whole website around, and have this page as the kirkwoodgolf home page.
If you are still with me... the reason I am doing this is because I'm going to be away for at least 8 weeks this summer... and I don't want you to get frustrated by always seeing a message "Sorry I'm away.. look at Hot News" ... so instead you'll get Hot News automatically.
Hold onto your hats as the big changeover will happen soon!

I've added a Categories list (top left). All the stories/posts will have a label from now on... and so, for instance, if you want to read all about student golf, and only student golf, you can click on the student golf link and see only stories about student golf. Whew!

Let me know what you would like to see in the Categories section and Colin and I will do our best to comply! Indeed if there is anything you think can be improved then please get in touch. Email me at
