
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Scroll down to see the original critical comment from "Tam Pepper," alleging bias towards Carly Booth in Kirkwoodgolf's reports.
We invited our readers to give us their view. Here are some responses:

From Michele Thomson:

Firstly, if you read this site regularly you will find that anyone who achieves something, whether it is big or small, gets a mention. Carly won both the Under-21s stroke-play and the Under-18s match-play in such a short space of time, I think she should be applauded on this and not criticised.
Being only just turned 15 and achieving what she has, I think is amazing. Also for someone to say that the competition was weak…..Carly still had to go out and win!!!
Even if the players that were missing were playing, I still feel they would have found it tough to beat an outstanding 64 with only 25 putts!
Give the girl some credit and stop trying to put her down all the time.
The comment that Carly is unpopular with her fellow golfers is very wrong. I would like to hear where Mr Pepper got this from.

Michele Thomson

From Laura Walker:

I do not think any of the reports on Kirkwoodgolf are biased.
I feel that what Carly has achieved, and at such a young age, should be appreciated. If this person is concerned with the welfare of Carly, are they not aware that she may, in fact, read their comments and find them hurtful.
These 'good' players referred to didn't play in these events because they, like Carly, have sat down and prioritised what they see are the best schedules to suit them.
The girls' decisions to play in whatever they like and the successes they achieve should not be criticised by anyone.
The comment stating the (Auchterarder) course was 'easy' and the (Under-21) field weak must annoy a lot of people.
I am so sorry to see and hear the sad, catty nature this game has morphed Scottish girls golf into.

Laura Walker

From Alasdair Malcolm:

I'm not quite sure what issue 'Tam Pepper' has with the reporting of Carly Booth's achievements on the website.
There is no doubt that her achievements so far have been outstanding, beginning with her first club championship win at her home club some four or five years ago, aged 11 if I remember correctly. The girl has moved from level to level ever since with much success and it does not seem unreasonable to describe her as arguably the best young talent in the country at present.
The accusation levelled at the site of being disrespectful to her peers could equally be levelled at Mr Pepper with his demeaning "analysis" of Carly's recent wins.
What difference does it make how long the course is. A player still has to get the ball round it and in the hole with some flare to score a 64, especially in competition conditions.
Likewise the argument of players being unavailable is wholly irrelevant - give the girl credit for beating the field in the competition rather than coming up with some 'but what would have happened if so and so had been playing.'
Let's be honest. Jessie Valantine or Helen Holm would probably have given Carly a good game in their day, but they weren't available this year, so should that take away from her achievements?
Contrary to the accusation levelled at and Kirkwoodgolf, it has always been my impression that due credit is given to the achievements of ALL individuals and teams featured in the reports.
In an area (amateur golf) which is largely ignored by the national media these days, I would suggest that the two sites provide a much needed forum for followers of the amateur game and Mr Pepper should perhaps consider being a bit more supportive of the forum rather than venting his displeasure of the manner of reporting Carly Booth's achievements in the way he did.
My first impression, be it right or wrong, is that the accuser has a problem with the individual being reported on more than the manner of reporting.

Alasdair Malcolm

From Tam Hendry:

I am new to your sites and find them incredibly informative about the amateur game. I am now a keen follower. Please keep up the very good work and information you provide.

Tam Hendry

From Mandy Macaulay:

Think I share the same view as Mr Malcolm in that Tam Pepper seems to have more of a problem with the subject of the report rather than the manner in which the report is written.
I read website every single day and I am readily aware that those who do well are highly praised, and those who don't meet their usual standards are slated for it.
To me this is what gives the website its character and what makes me log on every day.
If you don't like the style, Mr 'Pepper,' then log on elsewhere.

Mandy Macaulay

If YOU have any comments to make, critical or otherwise, E-mail them to
