
Monday, July 23, 2007

We are closing the subject of Tam Pepper's E-mail (scroll down to read his critical comments) with the following reader's response.

From Tom Anderson

Just seen Tam Pepper's letter to you and your request for comments.
Yes - Tam Pepper is quite right you are biased in your reporting.
At present in Scotland we have the most promising and excellent group of young lady amateur golfers for many years together with a number of very good young professionals.
However, in reading your reports at times one would think Scotland young lady golfers consisted purely of Carly Booth and Vikki Laing and sadly the newspapers usually draw their small printed reports from you.
Let's be fair to all members of the above highly talented group of young lady golfers in Scotland. In recent times they all deserve much better publicity than they have received.

Tom Anderson

Last word on the subject from the Editor:

I was astonished when Mr Pepper somehow turned round my praise of Carly Booth to hold me responsible for making her unpopular with her fellow competitors. That was news to me. I was not aware that Carly was "unpopular."
As for Mr Anderson's comments.
Carly Booth won the Scottish Under-21 girls' title by NINE shots. Difficult to write about anyone else in that tournament unless there was unlimited space, which there is not.
Carly won the Scottish Under-18 girls' match-play championship. I did touch on other girls' achievements during that week but Carly Booth began with a brilliant score of nine-under-par 64 and no self-respecting golf writer could have ignored her after that.
She was the player that even non-golf enthusiasts, i.e. newspaper readers, were talking about. She even made the Leader column in the Aberdeen Press and Journal.

Colin Farquharson
