
Saturday, July 21, 2007

We invite readers to make comments on our service and golf, so we are bound to publish them whether we agree with them or not ...

"Tam Pepper" comments:

See you have begun where you left off before. You are being disrespectful to other Scottish girls and will, at the same time, do nothing for Carly Booth's popularity which you helped destroy a time ago with your biased reporting.
The girl has got it back and you seem intent on taking her backward.
Let the girl play and do the best she can without you putting more pressure on her among her peers.
Let us analyse the Under-21 and Under-18 competitions. Very good girls were missing from both competitions. The Under-21 one was played over Carly's home course. The distance was 5,500 yards. Hardly makes it hard.
The British was totally different. I suppose that it will be Carly in Wales taking on the rest of the teams and the other Scottish girls will just be a support act. They won't have much to offer to you.

ANY COMMENTS? Is Tom Pepper right? Are we "biased" in our reporting of Carly Booth winning the Scottish Under-21 championship by nine strokes and then completing the double by winning the Under-18 title, the first time this has been done since 1998.
E-mail your views to
