clubgolf to be introduced in 55 West
Lothian primary schools this year
The drive to introduce every nine-year-old in West Lothian’s 67 primary schools to the national junior golf strategy, clubgolf, gathered further momentum this month when 27 school staff from 19 local schools became trained to deliver the programme to their P5 classes.
West Lothian Council Active Schools Co-ordinator for the West Calder cluster, Matt Costello, who a year ago trained 30 local teachers to teach clubgolf’s introductory game, firstclubgolf, coached the 27 new recruits.
“We had a very positive response from all the teachers and many came from schools that haven’t delivered clubgolf before,” he said. “Having done the training they seem keen to get going and we are ready to start delivering bags of golf equipment to their schools.
clubgolf is a partnership between the Scottish Golf Union, the Scottish Ladies' Golfing Association, the Professional Golfers' Association, the Golf Foundation and sportscotland. The strategy has been developed as a direct result of the Scottish Executive's commitment to introduce every nine-year-old child in Scotland to the game.
Following clubgolf’s six-week firstclubgolf course, which employs modified equipment within primary schools, children have the opportunity to progress to the Stage 1 of clubgolf's Player Pathway. Hosted by golf local clubs and taught by the club's fully trained volunteer coaches, Stage 1 is a 40-hour course delivered over two years, covering the fundamentals of putting, chipping, full swing, rules and etiquette. After Stage 1 there are a further two stages in the clubgolf programme.
“The teachers are keen to get the course going in their schools before Easter so the kids can feed into Stage 1 coaching at clubs after that,” said Mr Costello.
“Ten new schools are on board as a result of this training so this is a big push forwards for golf in West Lothian. Almost every primary school now has a member of staff that can introduce children to golf.”
Since five times European Ryder Cup team member, Sandy Lyle, launched the clubgolf Central Junior Golf Strategy in April 2006, the number of West Lothian high school clusters experiencing firstclubgolf has risen to nine. All clusters have some or all of their schools experiencing firstclubgolf.
Additionally, projects to develop golf coaching programmes in secondary schools, specifically targeting children who have additional support needs, are in full swing.
The eagerness to introduce children to the game extends well into local clubs. Thirteen of West Lothian’s Golf Clubs and facilities have so far signed up for clubgolf. Members of each club have stepped forward to become trained as volunteer coaches, enabling them to absorb the children and teach Stage 1 of the strategy.
“We’ve had a very positive response from the local golf clubs that are all keen to take the children to the next stage,” said Mr Costello. “We are hoping to run firstclubgolf festivals in schools this year for the and in October we are looking at a new tournament for the Stage 1 children.”
Lothian primary schools this year
The drive to introduce every nine-year-old in West Lothian’s 67 primary schools to the national junior golf strategy, clubgolf, gathered further momentum this month when 27 school staff from 19 local schools became trained to deliver the programme to their P5 classes.
West Lothian Council Active Schools Co-ordinator for the West Calder cluster, Matt Costello, who a year ago trained 30 local teachers to teach clubgolf’s introductory game, firstclubgolf, coached the 27 new recruits.
“We had a very positive response from all the teachers and many came from schools that haven’t delivered clubgolf before,” he said. “Having done the training they seem keen to get going and we are ready to start delivering bags of golf equipment to their schools.
clubgolf is a partnership between the Scottish Golf Union, the Scottish Ladies' Golfing Association, the Professional Golfers' Association, the Golf Foundation and sportscotland. The strategy has been developed as a direct result of the Scottish Executive's commitment to introduce every nine-year-old child in Scotland to the game.
Following clubgolf’s six-week firstclubgolf course, which employs modified equipment within primary schools, children have the opportunity to progress to the Stage 1 of clubgolf's Player Pathway. Hosted by golf local clubs and taught by the club's fully trained volunteer coaches, Stage 1 is a 40-hour course delivered over two years, covering the fundamentals of putting, chipping, full swing, rules and etiquette. After Stage 1 there are a further two stages in the clubgolf programme.
“The teachers are keen to get the course going in their schools before Easter so the kids can feed into Stage 1 coaching at clubs after that,” said Mr Costello.
“Ten new schools are on board as a result of this training so this is a big push forwards for golf in West Lothian. Almost every primary school now has a member of staff that can introduce children to golf.”
Since five times European Ryder Cup team member, Sandy Lyle, launched the clubgolf Central Junior Golf Strategy in April 2006, the number of West Lothian high school clusters experiencing firstclubgolf has risen to nine. All clusters have some or all of their schools experiencing firstclubgolf.
Additionally, projects to develop golf coaching programmes in secondary schools, specifically targeting children who have additional support needs, are in full swing.
The eagerness to introduce children to the game extends well into local clubs. Thirteen of West Lothian’s Golf Clubs and facilities have so far signed up for clubgolf. Members of each club have stepped forward to become trained as volunteer coaches, enabling them to absorb the children and teach Stage 1 of the strategy.
“We’ve had a very positive response from the local golf clubs that are all keen to take the children to the next stage,” said Mr Costello. “We are hoping to run firstclubgolf festivals in schools this year for the and in October we are looking at a new tournament for the Stage 1 children.”
Labels: clubgolf
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