
Monday, June 16, 2008

Kelsey MacDonald (Highland and Nairn Dunbar GC) with the Paul Lawrie Scottish schoolgirls championship trophy. She is flanked by Dorothy Scott, secretary of the Scottish Schools Golf Association, and tournament sponsor Paul Lawrie (image by Cal Carson Golf Agency, all rights reserved). Click on the image to enlarge it.




North and North-east players dominated the Paul Lawrie Scottish schools golf championships played over the Banchory and Inchmarlo courses today.

Chris Robb (South Aberdeenshire), playing over his home Inchmarlo course, claimed the national schoolboys title after a play-off with Sam Strachan (North Aberdeenshire).

They tied for the top spot on 137, Robb with rounds of 67 and 70, Strachan with 68 and 69.

In the first hole of the sudden-death play-off, Strachan, first off the tee, found a bunker with his driver.

Robb, using his local knowledge, played safe with a five-iron off the tee, hit the middle of the green with his second and holed a 5ft putt for a winning birdie 3.

Full Scotland international Kelsey MacDonald, and member at Nairn Dunbar Golf Club and representing Highland Schools, won the girls' title with steady scores of 71 and 72 for a 143 total over the Banchory Golf Club course..

Kelsey covered the first 18 holes in little over 2hr 30min and she went on to win her first national title by five strokes from Eilidh Briggs (Renfrewshire) and Jill Meldrum (East Dunbartonshire) who both totalled 148.
Eilidh was officially placed second on a countback that went to the last six holes of the second round.
Thanks to Kelsey MacDonald and Sammy Vass's efforts, Highland won the girls' team trophy by 15 shots from Scottish Borders (Lesley Atkins and Isla Craigie) with City of Edinburgh (Gillian Simpson and Rachael Watton) third on 315.
Dumfries and Galloway (Scott Gibson, Kyle McClung and Chris Corbett) won the boys' team championship with a total of 436.
North Aberdeenshire (Adam Dunton, Alexander Wiseman and Sam Strachan) were runners-up on 438 with South Aberdeenshire (Chris Robb, Chris Bremner and Callum Trahan) third on 441.



Colin Farquharson very much regrets the wording of his earlier report that Kelsey MacDonald "hated" the Banchory course and apologises unreservedly to her and Banchory Golf Club for any embarrassment this has caused.

Kelsey has informed me that she has sent an apology to Banchory Golf Club.

My quote was taken out of context in that Kelsey had just come off the course after her first round and as she told me later :"I was frustrated, having birdied-bogeyed all the way round."

Kelsey has added the following:

"I have supported the Scottish schools event since I was in Primary 6 and was indeed honoured to win."
