KirkwoodGolf: East Vets retain the Elise Duncan Trophy

Thursday, June 18, 2009

East Vets retain the Elise Duncan Trophy

by Noreen Fenton

Playing over Gullane No 1, East Vets managed to retain the Elise Duncan trophy, being very reluctant to part company with it after having had a firm hold on it for the last few years. The score of 7 - 2 for the East however belied the fact that it was actually a very close run match where six out of the nine games went right to the 18th hole.

In the late morning, the visitors from "the west" must have stared at the sky and thought the very last thing they gave a fig about was prising the Elise Duncan from them in "the East" since the BBC got it right for a change with their promise of heavy rain crossing the country. Apprehension regarding suitable clothing, enough towels and ruined hairdos must have been rife. Indeed when they started to arrive for sandwiches and coffee, it was still raining and the wind was getting up. However by 3pm it was slightly improved with only a smattering of rain and the match got started. No one got really wet at all but the wind was pretty fierce even by normal Gullane standards. The second hole up the hill took three good wallops. One player from an early match forgetting to tune in her brain, putted downhill (with a following wind) then watched helplessly as the ball careered off down the slope with gay abandon. She chased the ball off the green, down the fairway and, when at last it stopped to draw breath, she marked it quickly before it moved again. Wrong!!

So the wind may have been the killer but not long into the game, the sun came out and that felt instantly better. Everyone may have had different stories of how the wind affected their putts but they were unanimous in their praise of the course and the greens. And smiling faces at the meal afterwards was living proof that a good time was held by all - despite the results.

Captain Elise Guy thanked the west team for coming and playing and allowing the East to hang on to the trophy. Captain Helen Faulds replied in her typical style, promising to ruin East's run the following year at Troon Portland.

Results (East first)
Moira Thomson beat Pat Hutton 4 and 3
Fiona Hunter beat Helen Faulds 1 hole
Noreen Fenton beat May Hughes 1 hole
Pamela Williamson halved with Fiona McLean
Ruth Brown lost to Jennifer Mack 5 and 3
Sue Penman halved with Janice Paterson
Anne Brownie beat Mo Neilson
Aileen Kennedy beat Anne Prentice 2 holes
Gillian Kirkwood beat Marion Stewart 1 hole

The pictures taken were of a poor quality and the photographer has been sacked.

Last but not least, does anyone know anything at all about Elise Duncan who donated the trophy?

[For more entertaining reports in the same vein, tune in to the East Vets website at ]