
Monday, June 15, 2009

M B E for Nancy Chisholm in

Queen's Birthday Honours

Ayrshire's Nancy Chisholm (nee Smillie) has been honoured in the Queens Birthday Honours List with the award of an M.B.E. for voluntary contribution to ladies golf.
This is the latest in a list of honours conferred on Nancy recently, having been elected an Honorary Vice President of both the Ladies Golf Union and Scottish ladies' Golfing Association in the last year. Nancy served as LGU chairman in 1997 and Scottish Ladies Golfing Association president from 2003-2007.
A lifelong member of Prestwick St Nicholas Golf Club, which she joined as a junior member, Nancy continues to play golf to a fine standard, and cites her favourite club and deadliest weapon as “father’s antique hickory jigger!”
A former Ladies Club Captain, and Club Champion of St. Nicholas ladies on no fewer than 10 occasions, Nancy has held many senior positions in ladies golf at a national and international level, as well as having undertaken refereeing duties at many major international amateur event, and this latest award is a very fitting and well deserved recognition of her many years of voluntary work on behalf of ladies golf and golfers.
In 2004, Prestwick St. Nicholas conferred Honorary Membership on Nancy in recognition of her outstanding contribution to golf in Scotland and further afield.
Nancy is also a member and past captain of West Kilbride Ladies, a club which holds her in equally high esteem as St. Nicholas for her contribution to club and country over the years.
Sincere congratulations from the Ayrshire Golf Association, and no doubt from many golfers throughout the county and beyond, go to Nancy on this well deserved award.
