
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

American Solheim Cup team meet the President

By Beth Ann Baldry
President Barack Obama gave Michelle Wie the “shaka sign” (hang-10) when he met the U.S. Solheim Cup team in the Oval Office on Tuesday afternoon. The President then asked the victorious team for tips on getting his daughters into the game.
“We told him to get them out to a tournament and let them drive a golf cart,” Wie said with a laugh.
Kristy McPherson’s first impression of the Oval Office: small.
President Obama spent 20 minutes with the team, shaking the hands of all 12 players.
“He made us feel like he was very proud of us,” McPherson said.
Cristie Kerr, a veteran of three trips to the White House, asked the President about one of the Impressionistic paintings on the wall. She’d like to get a copy for her home.
The team also took of a tour of the Pentagon and 9/11 Memorial.
