KirkwoodGolf: Readership and Advertising on

Friday, January 15, 2010

Readership and Advertising on

Steady increase in visits to last year

Colin and I are very pleased to report that readership of website grew last year to over 500,000 unique visits and over 1,000,000 page views clocked between 1 January and 31st December. Readership has not abated during the winter, and is running at over 50,000 unique visits per month, which augurs well for 2010.

We are very grateful for your continued interest in, Colin is amazing ... he is just SO keen to keep you informed, and he spends hours collecting and collating stories and scores. Thank you to all who have written in and contributed to the website.

You might think that we get paid for providing the service, or that the website is sponsored. WRONG!

We knew when we started that we were never going to make a fortune, and we certainly haven't been disappointed on that score. Advertising brings in a little money which does not even cover our costs.

Do you know of anyone who would consider advertising with us? For only £30 per month you can advertise on both and our brother site More information can be found here. I can design an advertisement to fill the 150x300 pixel space for you at no extra charge.

Let's see Scotland and Scottish Golfers on top of the scoreboard at all events in 2010 and that you turn to to read about it first!

Kind regards
Gillian Kirkwood

Notes on Statistics on
Those that look at both websites ( and will have seen that the statistics for the two websites are reported in different ways. is hosted by Strato and by 1&1. They report statistics differently. moved to Strato in the middle of January 2009 and therefore the January figures are not complete.
