Want to go to the Curtis Cup Match? Let the LGU's Travel Agent
handle your travel and accommodation arrangements
From Susan Simpson, the Ladies Golf Union's Head of Golf Operations
I have had lots of inquiries about travel and accommodation for the Curtis Cup Match at Essex County Club, near Boston, Massachusets from June 11 to 13.
If would be grateful if Kirkwoodgolf.co.uk could let everyone know that travel and accommodation to the match will be handled by the LGU’s Travel Agent.
We hope that many will make the journey to this special venue, home of the Curtis sisters.
A draft programme of events has been posted on the LGU website and further information about how to book the official hotel and flights via our travel agent will be sent out and published online in early February.
Accommodation has been block booked, so there is no urgency, unless you wish to “do your own thing.” If you wish to join the Official GB & I party then please let us know by Email at curtiscup@lgu.org and we will keep in touch.
Susan Simpson
Head of Golf Operations
The Ladies' Golf Union
St Andrews, KY16 9AT
Tel 01334 475811 Fax 01334 472818
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