
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Erica Blasbeg's father tries to put the record straight

Erica Blasberg's father said his daughter was not depressed prior to her mysterious death on May 9 and that he knew that his daughter had "something other than a professional patient-doctor relationship" with Dr. Thomas Hess.

In an interview with The Early Show on CBS, Mel Blasberg said he was not surprised that police investigators searched Hess's Las Vegas medical practice and home just days after Erica's death. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that police confiscated "several computers, two video cameras, a cell phone and a global positioning system" from Hess's home. Police also took white trash bags and a computer from his office, The Review-Journal said.
"The whole issue with Dr. Hess is -- it's been vague, ambiguous, almost, and as these events are coming out, I'm learning about them just like everybody else is," Mel Blasberg told CBS. He added that his daughter had mentioned Hess the week before she died.
"I had seen Erica the Thursday before the Saturday that she died or Sunday that she died, and she was mentioning that she had a friend who was a doctor," Blasberg said. "But that was it. I didn't even know the guy's name. It wasn't until all these pieces of the puzzle came together, so-to-speak, that I knew who he was. There's no doubt Erica and this doctor had something other than a professional patient-doctor relationship. I'm not implying anything beyond the fact that I know for a fact that they played golf."
Mel Blasberg also said his daughter was in good spirits prior to her death. When Erica was found dead in her Henderson, Nevada home, her bags were packed for the Bell Micro LPGA Classic in Mobile, Alabama, where she intended to play the following day.
"And I should say that the question that I posed to the police department, and I think it's important for everybody to know this as well, is Erica was fine," Mel Blasberg told CBS. "You could just tell, she couldn't wait to get there. We know that she packed a bag on Friday ... so she was ready to go. What happened to Erica after she did all this, for her not to go to Alabama, which is where the event is? That's a question that has to be answered. There's only thing I can think of and that's something off the (golf) course."
According to The Las Vegas Review-Journal, Henderson police are calling their inquiry a "death investigation."
Authorities have said that a 911 call that summoned investigators to Blasberg's home came from inside the house and that she was not alone upon officers' arrival.
Hess, a family practice doctor, did not return a phone call at his office Tuesday. His lawyer, Charles Kelly, declined to comment.
Clark County Coroner Mike Murphy has said toxicology results might not be ready until late June.
Mel Blasberg told CBS that he's speaking publicly about the case because he believes the media has reported misinformation about his daughter.
"The three things you said are all wrong," he said. "So, 'A,' she was not depressed. In a medical sense. She was never treated for it. Never went to a doctor for it. Financially, contrary to what everybody is saying, Erica's off-course income was substantial. Perhaps not as much as the PGA Tour guys. To say that Erica was upset about how she played the year before, that is a correct statement. But that was the year before. Erica was fine as she went into this year. Although she had a tough route to follow, because she had to do some qualifying. So again part of your original question is, 'Why am I here? Why am I doing this?' It's to clarify things that are just wrong."
