Monday, August 01, 2011


Date: July 26.
Unfortunately the Riccarton Rosebowl and Salver have been cancelled this year. All entry fees will be refunded in due course.


Editor's note: The 36-hole SLGA Order of Merit tournament was scheduled for Sunday, August 14. Pity the club did not circulate the news a bit earlier. They might have let Kirkwoodgolf know, for instance, and we would have spread the word to thousands of readers in a matter of hours.
I hear that some of the leading Dumfries-shire players did not enter their county championship this year because the date of the later stages (August 14) would have ruled them out playing in the Riccarton Rosebowl. Little did they know, they could have played after all. Now they have missed out on their county championship and will be twiddling their thumbs on August 14.

E-mail from Fay Allan
Hamilton Golf Club Ladies Secretary

Dear Colin,
I wish to correct some errors in your editorial comment regarding the cancellation of this competition.
Firstly the date of the competition was Sunday August 7th and therefore should not have prevented anyone from playing on the 14th.
This information was sent to all clubs by the SLGA at the beginning of the season. I sent out to about 40 clubs posters and entry forms. These were also available at County and inter-county competitions. I also e-mailed previous competitors inviting them to enter.
The sum total of all these efforts was 26 entries by the closing date of 22nd July (The use of a closing date is to facilitate travelling arrangements for all competitors and to allow time for the draw to be distributed.)
You will appreciate that this level of entry is not viable in these days of economic austerity and it was with great regret that the decision was taken to cancel the competition for this year.
I hope you will publish corrections to your previous comments.
Yours sincerely
Fay Allan
Ladies Handicap Secretary

PS. You may wish to publish the following information:-
Sunday 14th August

E-mail from Graham MacKenzie
Club Manager

Hello Colin,

When I emailed you earlier I wasn’t aware of your comments on your website relating to the cancellation of our Riccarton Rosebowl.  Can I point out that we cancelled the competition over two weeks prior to the event due to a lack of entries.  It was thought that this would be preferable to cancelling only day prior. 
 We also put a message on our website the very same day.  The following morning my colleague refunded all the entry fees.  The club cannot run an order of merit tournament unless it has a sufficient number of entries and the closing date is clearly advertised on our entry forms.
 Until this morning I was not aware of Kirkwoodgolf and did not appreciate you are able to ‘spread the word to thousands of readers in a matter of hours’.    
 I do not see how comments such as yours help foster positive relationships between the golfing community. 

Graham MacKenzie
Club Manager

PS Hamilton Mixed Open Competition in aid of RNLI. Times are still available. Cost £12

E-mail from Lindsay Mathie

Hello Colin

I notice your article on the Riccarton  Rosebowl being cancelled and yes it is a shame – the ladies at Hamilton always organise a good day and I was looking forward to playing, however the date was 7th August so would not have affected the Dumfries-shire players you mention in your article.
Maybe you could start a discussion regarding the 36hole tournaments and why they are not being supported? Is it because there is too much in the calendar now for the younger players to commit to??

Lindsay Mathie
