Tuesday, September 13, 2011



The boys would have expected to have the better of the girls amid the raucous winds which were ripping across Royal Liverpool GC on the first day of the Duke of York Young Champions Trophy.
As it was, girls grabbed the first five spots on the leader-board, with Perrine Delacour of France handing in a 77 and Nicole Larsen, Amy Boulden, Antonia Scherer and Harang Lee a 78 apiece.
All five are aiming to do as Moriya Jutanugarn of Thailand in winning this 54-hole mixed event though they still have a long way to go. Currently, they have three boys, Cody Proveaux, Haydn Porteous and Daniel Kovari hard on their heels on 79.
Jordan Hood from Ireland, who was round in 82 playing in the company of Harang Lee,  had no hesitation in saying why the girls, at least so far, are having a better time of it. “They hit it straight and they’re always on the fairway,” he said a little enviously. “It goes without saying that it’s a lot easier when you’re hitting from the fairways than the places I’ve been finding.”
Birdies were in short supply but the 17-year-old Delacour pinned down two.  Having had experience of some equally testing conditions for the final round of the European championships earlier this season in the Netherlands, she had taken the precaution of practising her run-up shots prior to this week and her hard work would seem to have paid off.To give just some idea of how she can shine when the elements are not playing up, Delacour is the competitor who handed in a closing 64 – nine-under-par – to win the recent Irish Girls International tournament and won the British girls open title two years ago at another Lancashire venue, West Lancs..
Larsen, the Danish Match-Play champion, had a single birdie, albeit it was one to remember. Though the 14th is a par-five measuring  459 yards for the women, she caught the green with a three-wood and an eight iron.
Cody, who had never been outside America before this week, unleashed the longest drive of his life at this hole which, for the record, is playing at 576 yards for the men.  With the wind screeching at his back, he hit all of 401 yards and needed nothing more than a gap wedge for his second. “I hit it so good,” laughed America’s No 1 junior, who is about to start at Clemson University.
He had expected the UK to be cold and windy – “but not quite as bad as this….” 
Putting, to him, was more trying than anything else. Fearful that the ball might move, he kept his putter-head hovering above the ground at the address.
Cody’s father has 220,000 chickens on his 60-acre farm in America’s South but that did not stop the player from opting for UK chicken for lunch. “I love the food and I love Liverpool,” said this cheerful citizen.
Leona Maguire and her twin sister Lisa, who play off +5.3 and +4.2 respectively, finished with an 85 and an 80.  Lisa was shaping for something rather better until she amassed a rough-strewn seven at the par-five 16th. As for Leona, she featured in an unlikely moment as she and Porteous each walked from the 13th green with a birdie.  Leona holed from 20 feet where Porteous holed from two.
All the competitors have entirely good enough golfing credentials not to have to worry about one day’s suffering in the wind.  But for Lauren Taylor, the reigning British Match-Play champion, an 85 took a bit of stomaching. “I’ve never known such conditions,” she said. “The wind had a go at my swing and I ended up doing things I’ve never done before.”
To her chagrin, there was a top and a shank in the mix.
Daniel Kovari of Hungary, only two over par at the turn, had a triple bogey and three bogeys in five holes to bed down with his anticlimactic 79.
It was Edoardo Torrieri of Italy, whose 89 was by no means the worst tally, who maybe made the best fist of capturing what was never less than a thoroughly difficult day.
“It’s another type of golf,” he suggested.
Sandra Greenslade
Tournament Director

The Duke of York Young Champions TrophyLEADING FIRST ROUND SCORES
Par 72
77 Perrine Delacour (Fra).
78 Amy Boulden (Wal), Nicole Larsen (Den), Harange Lee (Spa), Antonia Scherer (Ger).
79 DanielKIovari (Hun), Haydn Porteous (SAf), Cody Proveaux (US), Max Rottluff (Ger).
80 Harry Casey (Eng), Lisa Maguire (Ire), Ryan Thomas (Wal).
81 Alexander Matiari (Ger), Kenny Subregis (France), Kristoffer Ventura (Nor).
82 Cylia Damerau (Swi), Harrison Greenberry (Eng), Jordan Hood (Ire), Robert Liti (Ire), Markus Maukner (Aut).
83 Emilie Alonso (Fra), Mariya Jutanugarn (Thai), Vetie Maroy (Nor).
84 Thomas Baik (Arg), Stefan Cronje (SAf), Anton Karlsson (Swe), Johana Kukkonen (Fin), Mjarki Petursson (Ice), Marina Stuez (Aut).
85 Ariya Jutanugarn (Thai), Kenta Konishi (Jap), Leona Maguire (Ire), Lauren Taylor (Eng).
86 Margaux Vanmol (Bel).
94 Joshua Jamieson (Sco).

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