Saturday, September 07, 2013


Pamela Pretswell during the Helsingborg Open
Pamela Pretswell is from Hamilton, Scotland and turned professional in 2012 after winning her first professional event as an amateur. She won the Ladies European Tour Access Series Order of Merit in 2012 and earned her membership of the LET to play current season.
She started to play golf at Bothwell Castle aged 14 and is attached to Nairn Golf Club and used to be a very good junior tennis player (Junior Wimbledon class) before becoming a golf fan.

1.      Tell me something most people don't know about you? I used to play the cello when I was younger for a couple of years at school.
2.       What would you like to do for a living if you were not a pro golfer? I think I would like to run my own business, probably a golf business.

3.       If you could possess any super human power what would it be? To fly, so I could travel from one tournament to another by myself.
4.       Education? Which University and degree? I went to Glasgow University and graduated in 2011, studied Business and Management.
5.       How many and which languages do you speak? English pretty well (laughs), and some French and German.

6.       Who would be in your dream foursome? Luke Donald, Ryan Reynolds (actor), my father and me.
7.       Any role model, person that you admire? Luke Donald.  I like his golf swing
8.       What is your favourite activity you do when you want to relax? Spend my time with family and friends and watch movies.
9.       Do you have any recent favourite TV series and movie? At the moment, “The Mentalist” is my favourite TV series and “The Proposal” (with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock).

Pamela in Vasatorps GK during the Helsingborg Open
10.  Your favourite group on your playlist: “Train”, is a American pop rock group.
11.   What invention do you wish you had thought of? The iPhone.

12.   Best part of your game? Best part is driving and I love the 8-iron (140 yards, approx).

13.    Weakest part of your game? Probably long bunker shots.
14.   Driving distance? 250 yards. Putting average up to date this season? 31.
15.   Lowest round this year: -5.
16.   Your biggest accomplishment up to date this season: Last week, when I finished 4th at the Aberdeen Scottish Ladies Open.
