
Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Jane Tough becomes Managing Secretary of 

Edzell GC with Carol Webster her assistant

     Jane Tough (left) and Carol Webster 
Edzell Golf Club begins the new golf season with a new management team this week.

Andrew Turnbull, who has been in the role of Managing Secretary for just over three years, is standing down to pursue other interests back in Higher Education. 

Jane Tough, former Assistant Secretary, took on the mantle of Managing Secretary, with effect from April 1.  In addition to her experience in the Club office, Jane is also a highly accomplished player, having taken the game up at the age of 12 and become a Scotland girl international in her teens.
She has always been a member of Brechin and Edzell golf clubs and currently is women's champion at both clubs - having won the Brechin title 13 times over the years and the Edzell title on nine occasions.
Mrs Tough, whose husband Gary has a +2 handicap, said
modestly:" My handicap did reach +1 but that was on the old system!  I did win the Angus Ladies County Championship and I was also runner-up on many occasions. 
"The highlight would have been winning the North of Scotland Ladies Championship when it was played over the Carnoustie Championship Course many years ago. "Nowadays I play mostly club golf and some local mixed opens with my husband, and we are hoping that our 11 year old daughter, Sarah, who has just got her first handicap, will continue to progress too. "

Jane added: “I am delighted to take on the role of Managing Secretary at Edzell Golf Club. We have lots of exciting plans for the year ahead and I look forward to serving the membership in my new job.”

Carol Webster, wife of Edzell Golf Club professional Alastair, will support Jane in her new role as Assistant Secretary.

In further changes, David Speed takes on the Club Captaincy from the incumbent of the past two years, Ron Caithness, following the Club’s AGM at the end of March.  Former Club Secretary, Ian Farquhar, is returning to take on the Vice-Captain's badge of office. 
 David Johnston and Nick Yates are newly elected to the committee and Trevor Spry replaces David Speed in the Match and Handicap Secretary's position.

Members and visitors alike are encouraged to follow Edzell Golf Club on Facebook (, where the latest news and special promotions are announced daily.

For inquiries, please contact: 01356 647283 or
