
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

 Prizewinning line-up. L to R Margaret Parkinson (county captain), Kimberley Beveridge, Sammy Leslie, Sandra Ross, Morven Adam, Pat Wilson (county president).

Sammy Leslie wins 3rd Aberdeenshire title

Sammy Leslie (Aberdeen Ladies) has won the Aberdeenshire county women's golf championship for a third time.
She beat Kimberley Beveridge (Aboyne) by 4 and 3 in the final  which was halted on Sunday, May 3 after four holes by high winds at Peterhead and rescheduled to resume today.

Leslie, the No 2 qualifier, carried over a one-hole lead and built on it  to follow up her previous title wins in 2010 and 2013.
No 4 qualifier Kimberley, who beat top seed and five times champion Sheena Wood (Aberdeen Ladies) in the semi-finals, has now lost two county finals in  a row.

Leslie was one up after four holes when the match was originally started on May 3.
Scores were as follows from fifth hole
                   WHL WWL  WWH  HH
Sammy:      4 3 5   5 3 4    4 4 5   5 4
Kimberley: 5 3 4   6 4 3    5 5 5   5 4
                    LHW  LLW    LLH   HH

Conditions: difficult cross wind/ head wind for holes heading towards clubhouse, very squally shower around holes 13, 14, 15. 
Sammy's greater length gave her a decisive edge, according to reports.
Leslie herself said: "I birdied the fifth, eighth and 11th. The wind was again horrific though! Being a big hitter I found it a lot easier hitting the greens in regulation. 
"I am not playing in next week's Scottish women's amateur championship at Monifieth  as the university (RGU) will not authorise any time off for golf.  I have had little support from the university as regards to golf so that's why I haven't played in many Scottish events 
"I qualify as a general nurse in August so I will be back into playing most events after that."
The handicap championship was won by Sandra Ross, who plays off 17 at Peterhead. She beat Morven Adam (Hazlehead) (handicap 12) by 3 and 2 in the final, having resumed the match at one down on the fifth tee.
                       Sammy Leslie and Kimberley Beveridge. Pictures by courtesy of Margaret Parkinson.

Final - S Leslie (Aberdeen Ladies) bt K Beveridge (Aboyne) 4 and 3. 
Final - S Ross (Peterhead) (17) bt M Adam (Hazlehead) (12) 3 and 2.
