
Friday, May 01, 2015

Sheena Wood is Aberdeenshire championship 

top seed at Peterhead

Five times Aberdeenshire women's county golf champion since 1996, Sheena Wood (Aberdeen Ladies), pictured, earned the top seed position for this year's match-play with a round of two-over-par 74 - which equalled the CSS - at tonight's (Friday) qualifying round at Peterhead.
No 2 seed is clubmate Sammy Leslie, title winner in 2010 and 2013 when she beat Sheena in the field.

Fifteen-year-old Shannon McWilliam (Aboyne), the youngest ever winner of the county title last year, decided to play in the Fairhaven Trophies junior tournament in Lancashire this weekend rather than defend the country title.

CSS 74       
74 Sheena Wood (Aberdeen Ladies)      
75 Sammy Leslie (Aberdeen Ladies)      
78 Carol Wilson (Murcar Links), Kimberley Beveridge (Aboyne), Molly Stewart (Murcar Links).      
79 Jill Harrison (Cruden Bay), Lorraine Coleman (Peterhead).
80 Donna Pocock (Murcar Links)      
83 Lauren Whyte (Aberdeen Ladies), Jasmine Mackintosh (Hazlehead).
86 Fiona Hay (Deeside)      
87 Jane Whitehead (Kemnay), Onchittra Veerasaksri (Aboyne)      
88 Lynne Terry (Cruden Bay), Kathleen Esslemont (Cruden Bay)     
89 Kelly Guthrie (Inverurie)      
8.20 Wood v Guthrie
8.28 Whyte v Pocock
8.36 Stewart v Whitehead
8.44 Veerasaksri v Beveridge
8.52 Wilson v Terry
9.00 Hay v Harrison
9.08 Coleman v Mackintosh
9.16 Esslemont v Leslie
CSS 74
74 Joyce Robertson (Cruden Bay) (16), Sandra Ross (Peterhead) (17)          
76 Anne Loftus (Peterhead) (14).
77 Morven Adam (Hazlehead) (12), Penny Smith (Duff House Royal) (12).
80 Rae Topping (Duff House Royal) (12)      
81 Helen Stewart (Peterhead)     (22)      
83 Sally Collinson (Westhill) (8)  
14.10 Robertson v Collinson
14.20 Smith v Adam
14.30 Loftus v Topping
14.40 Stewart v Ross  

